
Starting Jann XXX´s Popmundo Blog

This blog will tell you mostly about what is happening to our band in Popmundo and will give you some tips how to play this game. I´m from Finland, so my english isn´t perfect, but I do understand (usually) everything, so you can always ask me questions. I like to help people learn to play Popmundo. Of course there´s lot of things that I don´t even know myself, but I learn and so will you...

I thought that I should write this blog, because right now I´m sending so many private messages to my band´s members, that maybe they will get bored about that. Now they can come here and read this when they want! :) Also I usually forget what and how I should be doing things in Popmundo world, so I can come here and read it!

There are already some websites giving you tips about how to play PopMundo, but I really haven´t found any websites, which can show how things work daily(or weekly...monthly....I really don´t know how much I will be writing here.) Mainly those websites also tell you things that you can find from Popmundo´s help pages already. PopMundo´s forum is great place to learn new things, but sometimes it´s just too difficult to find just that information you would need.

....by they way of course Trevor Whicker isn´t my real name. It´s my Popmundo´s character name. You can find me from Popmundo with that name....

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