
Band news 25/09/2008

Great news again this week:
- Our video "Raining" was released this week.
- Our last gig in Oslo was little bit better than our shows has been lately. We played "good(13/26)" gig there.
- Next week we are going to release our new single: "Raining/Angels Walk Amongst Us," so we will again start to earn some money too.... :)
- Rock ranking is going up and it´s now 363!


Band news 17/09/2008

Well, we´re here in N.Y. and we are going to record 2 new tracks for our single & video if we got enought time. Songs will be "Angels walk among us" and "Raining."

Rock ranking right now: 386, but we´re going up again!!!


Band news 09/09/2008

Some bad news:
- I had to kick Emilia out of our band, because she hasn´t been so active as she should be and she is in hospital again.
- Our rock ranking is still going down: 354.

Some good news:
We have now recorded 2 new songs: "Everything was beautiful" and "We´re not Angels."


Band news 02/09/2008

Well, I haven´t been writing here lately, but that just because there hasn´t really been any good news for couple of weeks. Our band ranking has been going down and it´s now 340.... :(

I have been writing new songs, but it takes so much time to get them ready. Our gigs have been little bit better lately, so maybe our rock ranking will start to go up again soon.