
Bianca´s Diary 29/03/2010

I'm no sweet

hope that is better for your ears:
Spirit of the night by Krokus

getting sweeter:
Valhalla and
Morgane le Fay by Grave Digger

bury me deep inside your heart by HIM


Bianca´s Diary 27/03/2010

for all who do not believe you can't mix a soprano voice with metal:
dead to the world by Nightwish


Band News 25/03/2010

- Our rock ranking is finally really going up: it´s now 258.
- We released our new album called "Scream and Shout" last week.
- 2 new tracks were recorded, one in London and one in Stockholm, so we have now also single ready to be released. Songs are "In Your Fantasy" and "Paving The Clouds."

Bianca´s Diary 25/03/2010

Aurora borealis

in memory to my good friends:
Oscar Serafino
Sue Rave-Wortmann
Fausto Rigamonti

Rocky Roads 25/03/2010



Bianca´s Diary 17/03/2010

2 B-Days

that needs to be celebrated:
there will be fingerfood and a lot of beer
at Trevor's flat tonight in LA. You are all welcome, the more the merrier



Bianca´s Diary 10/03/2010

my diary entry:

22:21 I can't believe it...I've actually been married for a whole year now. Scary!
): wished you would be here in my arms today, I love you


Band News 08/03/2010

- Our rock ranking keeps going up and down and it´s now 329.
- We recorded 5 songs in Amsterdam, unfortunately we can´t get our new album out next week, but week after that it should be out. Songs we recorded were: Pink Guitar, Lazy Dogs, Fragile Dreams, Too Cold For Tears and Rock ´n Roses.

Bianca´s Diary 08/03/2010

It's Samhain

Who seek the warmth of the Samhain fire

Do you want a paradise, do you want a sacrifice

This is the night to feast and dine
this is the night to respect the death

Can you hear the Ba doom ba doom
of the cannibal drum far away in the
dark of the jungle?

No fear, they just appetent for evil souls.


Bianca´s Diary 04/03/2010

Welcome to the popworld

I must have been completly under drugs
since she is here now. Our new sweetie is 3,5kg and 51 cm.

Better he is not here
he would faint anyway. I don't tell you I
love you in this moment since I would send
every male to hell under this circumstances,
every one (so just forgive me, but it....
damned... that is so painful).... no don't
touch me.... just stay away.... I want painkillers
... I want a sectio...

Rocky Roads 04/03/2010


Bianca´s Diary 03/03/2010

witch's cauldron
for all those with a good stomach who want to taste some home made food not that rubbish
from those hamburger chains, like fried toads, barbie noodle soup, etc.