
Bianca´s Diary 27/06/2009


R.I.P. Michael Jackson

Roma for tourists

What a great day for a witch:
Chlamydia no. 111 epidemic among the gypsies and Linda under labour pains (breathe calmly dear) - evil grin.

Mmmh whom shall I stick in my thickest needle?

My witchy friend will also help and cure you since I am going to stay a few days in Rome before touring with the gypsies again.

Madre comune d’ ogni popolo è Roma e nel suo grembo
accoglie ognun che brama farsi parte di lei. Gli amici onora; perdona a’ vinti; e con virtù sublime
gli oppressi esalta ed i superbi opprime

... do I have also any memories of a great Italian city, yes a lot from my real life and from popworld I met the best in Rome even he was from Athen and the former drummer of the Wingless Pegasus is also doing very fine in Rome. Well both decided to end their virtual lifes and I have to look ahead. Memories are tempi passati. I am glad I got a few new very good friends right now and one with a charme of an Italian.

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