
YouTube 05/03/2009

Still have "D-A-D fever" after that live show last week:
D.A.D.: Scare Yourself
D.A.D.: Bad Craziness
D.A.D.: Everything Glows
D.A.D.: Jihad
....and thanks to Warner Music Group, it seems to be hard to find those official videos anymore. Don´t they understand, that people might go and see gig after seeing these videos or even buy couple of original cds. My girlfriend actually did buy 3 new D.A.D. cds + dvd after their gig! :) Video about WMG. I do understand that bands have rights to their music, because I have been band member, but because of that I just think I would be just happy if more and more people would hear my music. Even most big bands now earn most of their money from gigs and actually fame and publicity are more important for bands...without those 2 things they won´t sell anything and those bands will be gone. WMG hasn´t understood that!!!! Here´s one artist who "likes" WMG.
...and thanks for YouTube and Myspace I have heard music that I would never had listened otherwise and I always buy original cds, if I like some music enough.

...and after that rant still something about D.A.D.:

Originally they were called "Disneyland After Dark," but Disney didn´t like their name so they started to call themselves D.A.D. and now they seem to be D-A-D......but I keep calling them D.A.D., because that was their name when I first time heard about them. Of course this band still have their punk attitude and still use "Disneyland...." name whenever you see them live.

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