
YouTube 24/01/2009

Well...I have been listening to Guns N´ Roses album called "Appetite for Destrucrion" for last 2 weeks, so these are my favorite songs from that album:
Guns N´ Roses: Think About You
(It seems to be hard to find good version with original GNR members...this might the best....)
Same song, but this is demo version.....

Guns N´ Roses: It´s So Easy
Guns N´ Roses: My Michelle
....no "Welcome to the..." or "Paradise City" here, because I have heard those songs too many times and "new Guns N´ Roses," there´s couple of good songs, but "Appetite..." is only album I can really listen to....
Only new "Guns N´ Roses" song that I really like:
Guns N´ Roses: This I Love

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