Some DVDs again
Another cheap DVD, I bought this couple of months ago. I couldn´t really watch this then and I can´t watch this now. Just awful: I love Alice Cooper´s music, but sound and picture on this DVD are so bad, that I just can´t watch this! Well...maybe I will check my better Alice Cooper DVDs. Maybe this DVD was made when Alice was drinking "little bit" too much. He has been saying that he don´t remember anything about doing 3 albums and those shows, this DVD was recorded in the year 1975, so this one might be one of those shows he don´t remember...... :)
Hanoi Rocks: The Nottingham Tapes DVD
Same DVD again, but I just love Hanoi Rocks. The best band in the whole world. They got everything I need: they can play rock, punk and beautiful ballads(listen to "Until I get You".)
Band news 29/07/2008
Our rock ranking in Popmundo is now 257 and we´re going up again. There´s 60090 rock bands in this game, so we are pretty good!!! Our best ranking was 195 when I was still solo artist, but it has taken some time to get our band together. Soon we will release new single and start our "Neverending Tour" from London, so I think our ranking can just go up! .....we´ll just have to record that b-side of our new single and I have to write new songs. Of course other members and I need to learn new skills + try keep our health and mood up.
Otherwise this "holiday" has been actually rather boring...just staying here for so long and I really miss my "Gypsy" friends (http://www.freewebs.com/krisstark/index.htm), but we really needed that. It might have been impossible to start touring without this holiday. Everyone in our band was too tired to start long tour. So we will see what happens next: we will have a gig almost everynight, so it´s not easy to keep your health and mood up. ....and I have to write those songs, we would really need 2 people in this band who could do songs....
Band news 24/07/2008
24.07.2008 relaxing + rehearsals
25.07.2008 making music video
26.07.2008 going to Toronto (+maybe rehearsals)
27.07.2008 rehearsals + Toronto concert
28.07.2008 Emilia´s and Scott´s wedding + flying to Montreal
29.07.2008 Montreal concert
30.07.2008 flying to New York + rehearsals
31.07.2008 New York concert
1-3.08.2008 We might record couple of new songs + rehearsals
04.08.2008 London
Of course these plans can change and probably will change.... :)
We have lot of rehearsals, but we need them now: we need to get rid of those "2 stars songs," so we must learn new and better ones before our european tour begins. Also we will get more experience points if we do something everyday...
PS. One really important tip for everyone: don´t forget to buy condoms!!! Someone might get pregnant, if you don´t remember to use them. You can find condoms from almost any "generic shop" in every city. You can find them from "Clothes(Underwear!)"
Health, Happiness and Medical Emergencies by Eleanor Cannon
Being on tour is harder on your mood and health than just staying in your home city all the time. It is important to follow some basic rules to keep fit and happy.
This will be affected if the bus you are travelling in breaks down 1% for every hour you are delayed.
It will also be affected slightly if you travel on the bus overnight during your sleep update.
It will be affected even more if you travel by plane even 1st class supersonic and private jets, so travel by bus or private vehicle (VIP only) whenever possible.
Jam sessions are boring after 4 hours you will notice a mood drop. It helps to book the best quality jam place you can afford.
Skilling, teaching and learning are all depressing. If your mood is low try switching to composing or picking flowers until you feel happier.
You can improve your mood by shopping make sure you have at least $100 in your pocket without cash, shopping is very depressing.
Partying all night (this will affect your health) will help your mood and you might get an inspirational seed if you are lucky and in a good club again you need cash in your pocket.
Talking to the media successfully improves your mood too.
In emergencies, for example if you have an important show or are planning a recording, you can improve your mood temporarily by eating oysters (slight risk of food poisoning) or chocolate (health drop later) or a fancy meal or by using anti depressants (available free of charge from the SNGU pharmacy.)
Alcohol will improve your mood but the heavy hit to mood and health the next day makes it a high-risk strategy.
Pets improve your mood when you feed them. This happens automatically (no need to buy carrots!) but you must have enough cash on you to pay or the pets will suffer and quickly die. This is very depressing, as is releasing pets into the wild so think carefully before getting a pet they really are for life!
Pets can be bought from pet shops or you may be lucky enough to find a magic rabbit. When someone pulls a rabbit out of a hat it stays in that locale for a few hours and anyone can pick it up. Magic rabbits are just like ordinary pets but slightly more expensive to feed.
This will be affected mostly by performing shows, the more effort (performance ambition) you make, the bigger the drop. Try to book shows in the best quality clubs as this helps. Once you have a band bus and a crew your PA will help reduce the health drop by looking after you.
If you use alcohol or aphrodisiacs you will suffer a significant health drop soon afterwards!
The other major causes of health loss are pregnancy and illness more about them later.
You can improve your health by resting and by working out in the gym.
If you are in the red, resting is the only thing to do in a hotel or apartment is best.
Once you are back in the blue working out in the gym is usually best make sure you have some money on you for gym fees and go to a gym if possible.
Certain skills affect how much benefit you gain:
Religion will give you a mood boost in addition to the health boost when you rest and you will still be able to rest when your health is higher.
Yoga and Yoga Mastery significantly improve the effects of working out in the gym.
Tantric sex will give you and your partner a tiny health boost with every snuggle.
Certain foods improve your health but they are not always easy to find and can be expensive. They are often of most use to women soon after they have given birth.
Milk: 1% boost with every glass, 2 glasses in each bottle. Only works if your health is below 70%. Collect your own from the cow in the Nashville gate: fun if you can spare the time or buy it from 2nd hand shops. You can only drink it slowly and the bottles have a short shelf life so buy it in small quantities and if you do a milk run to the cow you can give bottles to your friends or sell them in the 2nd hand shops.
Donuts will take your health to 50% with one bite! (2 bites in each donut) only given to policemen so they are hard to find and can be very expensive to buy on the black market. Withdrawn because of people trying to cheat the game mechanics so rarely seen now.
Zombie eyeball (also called Trioxin Antidote) VIPs can obtain these when they are zombie hunting on the day of the dead they give about 20% health boost. They can be bought (check the forum for sales and auctions) but they are very expensive! Zombie brains (also called Repressitol Pill ) are also available they give an equivalent boost to mood.
Zombie dust boosts health and mood.
VIP renewal: this boosts health and mood. You will also receive a one time only gift package with a bottle of sparkling water. I believe this boosts health and mood but I have not tested this personally.
If your mood and/or health drop too low you will be automatically rushed to hospital. You will be treated there until you have recovered sufficiently to be released. You also have the option to take yourself to hospital and ask to be treated this can save time, but remember that once you are hospitalised you cannot move until you have recovered.
Pregnant? Congratulations!
The baby will arrive approximately 42 days after you got your I´m feeling kinda moody diary message.
Don´t worry if you took a test and it showed positive and you still don´t have the affected by pregnancy on your character page, that takes 3-5 days to appear.
When you are affected by pregnancy you will notice your health dropping.
This varies from person to person but is usually about 3% a day.
Avoid too much skilling/teaching/learning if your health is dropping fast.
Try composing songs or picking flowers instead.
You may consider reducing your tour schedule slightly maybe play 2 out of every 3 cities. It is really not necessary to stop touring altogether.
The birth can be a little unnerving don´t panic you will be fine!
You will get a diary message:
Oooooh!!! Labour pains! It is time! OFF TO THE HOSPITAL!!! Can someone please call an ambulance?!
and you will be taken automatically to the nearest hospital unless you are busy:
Busy = travelling, jamming, onstage, on a date, recording a track or shooting a video.
Your health will drop dramatically into the red.
Labour takes 12 hours. If you want to stay out of hospital because you have a show, try keeping busy as much a possible from the day before the baby is due (they are often early) and use painkillers (available free of charge from the SNGU pharmacy) to improve your health temporarily once you have gone into labour.
Once the baby is born your mood will go to 100% and you will be released from hospital. Your health will probably still be in the red or just into the blue and now is the time to use milk/donut/zombie eyeball for maximum effect.
Some people save XP points to use at this time, others consider that a waste. The choice is yours.
Rest until you are out of the red and then exercise. You will be back to normal surprisingly quickly, no more daily 3% health drops - unless you get pregnant again straight away.
You will very probably ovulate within 12 hours of giving birth so be prepared!
There are a number of nasty illnesses out there waiting to be caught. Don´t worry, they can all be cured.
The most important thing to remember when you find you have caught any kind of disease is to STOP INTERACTING!
Most diseases are contagious and if you interact with anyone you risk infecting them.
Contact a doctor by personal message, tell them what disease you have and ask them for help.
The SNGU has several doctors travelling in the caravan and any of them will be happy to help you:
Hugo Nyhander
Gül Erduman
Eleanor Cannon
Current Diseases and Health Problems:
Cold: lasts a few days, some health loss. Can be cured by a doctor or the effects can be reduced by taking an herbal remedy. Will go away on its own if left untreated.
Flu: similar to cold but the health loss is more severe.
Scabies: usual consequence of ignoring a 72 hour snuggle ban after reading a horoscope. Will eventually go away if left untreated but the health drop is severe and it is best treated by a doctor.
Chlamydia: probably the nastiest disease around at the moment. It is hidden: only YOU can see if you have it. It is caught from groupies or another infected person. It does not go away unless it is treated by a doctor. More people have this disease than all the other diseases put together. Get treatment, don´t be embarrassed!
Zombie virus: occupational hazard for VIP zombie hunters. Needs treatment by a doctor quickly because the health loss is severe.
Cholera, Bubonic plague, Typhoid: these are rare diseases contracted in cities with poor public health. Get treatment from a doctor as soon as possible.
Rabies: caught from rats when you are rummaging through the garbage in the city dump. Get treatment from a doctor as soon as possible.
Tinnitus: ringing in the ears. You get this if you are in a club when the volume is cranked up and you are not wearing your earplugs. No treatment, it goes away in a few days.
Travel sickness: you get this sometimes if you party all night when you are travelling. No treatment, it goes away in a few hours.
Affected by evil sprits: nobody knows how or why you get this. Try posting on the forum and you will see the only known symptoms! It will go away on its own: there is no known treatment.
Guilty conscience: you are given this if you spam or send abusive personal messages. There is no treatment and it lasts for several days depending on how serious the crime was. It has been said that praying in the temple helps. No evidence to back this yet but it can´t hurt to try.
Many diseases can be prevented by the use of vaccines.
If you look at your medical history you can see what diseases you are immune to. This information is confidential and only available to you.
If you are going to use groupies you might want to get vaccinated against chlamydia.
There are two strains at the moment: lime and lemon chiffon. It is almost certain that more strains will appear in the future.
If you are going to use horoscopes and don´t want a 72 hour snuggle ban you may want to get the vaccination for scabies. Sea green strain is the current one.
Vaccines can be bought from many hospitals but they can be expensive.
Receiving medical treatment
If you have not been ill before you may wonder what happens when a doctor treats you:
A blood sample will be taken using a blood sampler. This may take several attempts, even the most skilled doctor may not succeed first time.
The doctor will use the vial of blood and a medicine base to make your medicine. This too can take several attempts and if the doctor has no success they may pass the vial onto another doctor to try or even take another blood sample so that they can both work on the cure.
Once the medicine has been made it can be given to you to take orally (takes 60 minutes to take effect) or converted into a shot and administered by syringe (immediate cure).
The advantage of the shot method is that you do not have to stay online until the medicine has been made.
Some cities have made it a criminal offence to take blood samples without permission. Rather than risk prosecution doctors prefer you to contact them first to ask for assistance. It is possible however that a SNGU doctor may notice that a fellow gypsy has been taken ill while they are offline. If you would like to be treated in these circumstances rather than wait until you log on, we will need your permission in advance and also to know your preferences. (For example do you want a shot for a cold or to be given an herbal remedy to take when you log on.)
The details will be held on the SNGU website accessible to all SNGU doctors in case of such a medical emergency.
For further information about this scheme please contact Eleanor Cannon.
SNGU Pharmacy
Thanks to some generous donations and a bequest the SNGU has a well-stocked medicine chest
This is located in the Green Angels tour bus and you can ask Eleanor Cannon or Steve Cook for drugs and medical supplies. Kris also carries supplies in his bus.
There is no charge for drugs or medical treatment but if you want to make a donation it will be gratefully received and used to maintain the stocks.
Currently in stock:
Herbal remedies
Anti-depressive tinctures
Morning after pills
Pregnancy tests
Medicine bases, blood testing kits and syringes for use by trained doctors only.
Voodoo powder: this is a dangerous drug and will only be supplied in special circumstances for people wishing to visit the land of the dead.
Vaccines: chlamydia: lime and lemon chiffon.
scabies: sea green
We are always looking for damiana leaves, parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme and comfrey leaves to make into drugs.
We do not carry poison and Eleanor will not make it for you even if you give her the rhubarb leaves. Suicide is not the answer!
If you have the Pharmacy skill and are willing to make drugs for the communal chest please speak to Kris or Eleanor and they will give you some herbs to brew.
Band news 22/07/2008
Fortunately there are some good news too: we recorded first track for our new single called "Carola Landvogt" and our recording session was so good that we can use this track on our single! :) I´m still not sure where and when we are going to record 2nd track and where we are going to do video for this single....I don´t even know what song will be b-side of this single. Should I try to write a new song or just use some older stuff???
Music for Saturday Night
Some british blues-rock. Actually this isn´t official DVD, but I have just transferred their official VHS tape to DVD, so I can watch this again and again. Their singer has really great voice and songs are so good with lot of feeling. Spike(their singer) has that voice you can only get if you drink lot of whisky and smoke cigarettes or he just got that talent....maybe he has done both...
Favorite songs: 7 o´clock, I Don´t Love You Anymore and Hey You.
Actually most of our band´s songs got some inspiration from them....that´s why we´re mostly playing british blues-rock songs...
Quireboys: Bitter Sweet and Live DVD
Another official VHS release transferred to DVD by myself. Filmed at The Town + County Club in October 1992. If you like to party, this is really good music for that! Of course younger kids might have different music, but because I´m about 30 years old....so this is my music for partying....
Favorite songs: just everything right now!
Hanoi Rocks: MTV3 Max -Video 2008
This show is from finnish TV(maybe not their best gig...I have seen much better ones, stage was just too small for Mr. Michael Monroe.) So, having a career of 28 years they are still here! This is finnish band, but now actually there are now more swedish members in this band. Of course main song writers are still finnish: Michael Monroe and Andy Mccoy. They are now almost 50 years old, but just check what kind of live show they still can do, specially M. Monroe: there isn´t even 18 year old kids who could that! They do live shows around whole Europe and Japan, so check them! They will have gigs in UK soon.... (http://www.hanoirocks.info/tour/index.htm)
Other music tonight:
Just more Hanoi Rocks from Youtube.com: In the Year 79, Problem Child, Oriental Beat, Lightning Bar Blues, Back To Mystery City (live '85), Blitzkrieg bop, Until I Get You ...those old videos ....
And some songs live from Japan:
- HANOI ROCKS @ Summer Sonic 8/8 Up Around The Bend
- HANOI ROCKS @ Summer Sonic 4/8 Malibu Beach Nightmare
- HANOI ROCKS @ Summer Sonic 6/8 Tragedy
(These live songs are from the year 2002, when they started Hanoi Rocks again...)
Band News 19/07/2008
Our rock ranking is now 230...we are goind down again, but one of the reasons for that might be that we haven´t released single for over month. We really need to get that done here in U.S.A.
Real Life
One more DVD and then I´m going to sleep:
Billy Idol: VH-1 Storytellers
Little bit of rock and punk music mixed together. Again one star from 80´s! The best songs: Don´t Need a Gun, Flesh for Fantasy, Sweet Sixteen, Rebel Yell and L.A. Woman.
Band news 17/07/2008 part 2
We will soon start our jam sessions, so we will try to get all our songs to %100. Then we are going to play a gig for 10,000 people, so it will be the first time when our new members are going to play for so big audience. After that we start our "holiday." Just playing 5 gigs in this month. Actually we don´t have holiday: I´m going to write new songs, new members will learn new skills and get their health + mood up. Also we are going to record our next single here, so we have lot of things to do here! After our "holiday" we´re going to Europe again and then our world tour continues....
I spend some time shopping here: I bought new car for me. I have now Lamborghnini Lagorda, which I´m going to use here in USA to do some travelling. I also got new apartment here in L.A. :)
More music tonight....
Swedish rock band. Great band and good music, but why they did this DVD? This is just a documentary, they could have made good live video....not this. Backyard Babies is one the best live bands in the world. You can watch this once, but if you are trying to watch this second time it´s just boring. Only good part of this DVD are those music videos, which are really great!
Metallica: Live at San Diego 1992 DVD
This DVD was recorded when Metallica was still one the best metal bands in the world. They had just released their hit album, but after that "Black" album I don´t think that they have done anything really good. "Load" and albums after that were just something I couldn´t listen. Maybe their last album was little bit better...at least they were trying to do something new. This DVD has all their old hits, there´s not really any bad songs on that DVD(....well maybe "The Unforgiven...." There are 27 songs on this DVD, so it´s hard to choose which are the best ones. Well...I just choose 8 tracks from that DVD: Creeping Death, Harvester of Sorrow, Blackened, And Justice for All, Fade to Black, Master of Puppets, One and Battery. Unfortunately they didn´t play so many tracks from "Masters of Puppets" album, which might be my favorite Metallica album...
Nirvana: Unplugged in New York DVD
What could I say about this DVD? It always makes me happy and sad at the same time. Beautiful songs, which make me happy, but if you think what Kurt Cobain did to himself it me makes so sad. If you watch those videos you might understand why he did that + read couple of books about Kurt and you will know why everything happened.
If you have this DVD or if you will ever buy this DVD, remember to also check "The Rehearsals" part of that DVD. Kurt even smiled sometimes! You can also find better version of "The Man Who Sold The World...."
Favorite songs: Come as You are, Dumb, Something in the Way, Plateau, Lake of Fire, Where did You Sleep Last Night and or course: The Man Who Sold the World.
My Dying Bride: For Darkest Eyes DVD
More metal music tonight! Some might think that this band is some kind of "death metal" band, if you think about their name. That´s not really true: if you read their lyrics you can find that the most of their songs have some words about love and romance. Of course those songs aren´t happy stories. Just suffering and bad relationships, so this band isn´t really happy one! Really "dark" band... I think that right word for them would be "doom metal."
I really like almost every song they have ever made, so just 2 favorite songs now: "For You " and "The Cry of Mankind."
Music today
So today I´m listening and watching some finnish music: Hanoi Rocks. Hanoi Rocks have been my favorite band since I was just a little kid. I heard their song called "Taxi Driver" from radio, I think year was 1982 or 1983 and after that I have been listening to this band for over 20 years, so I have spend almost my whole life as being fan of this band. I´m now watching their DVD called "The Nottingham Tapes," which was filmed on 23.04.1984 at the Palais in Nottingham, England. Quality of this DVD isn´t so great, but all that energy and that they have rock attitude....you just can´t find anything better! My favorite songs from that DVD are "Mental Beat," "Back to Mystery City," "I Feel Alright," and "Underwater World." You can find this DVD from www.cdon.com. I think you can order that DVD there if you are living in Europe.
I´m still waiting for re-release of their official video "All Those Wasted Years." You can´t find any official version of that DVD now, but I just have to hope that they will release that someday.
This is so important band for me that I should write something about their history here, but maybe I will do that later. Meanwhile you can check their official website: www.hanoirocks.info or www.hanoi-rocks.net, which isn´t official website, but it tells you about their early history until year 1985.
Mötley Crüe: Live at US Festival 1983 Video
Well...Vince Neil is really awful singer and they don´t play very well, but there is again something I like about this: their energy, attitude and how great performance they are giving to their audience. Those 80´s bands might look stupid now when you are watching them, but at least they are not boring. They really looked like rockstars! Now there´s just too many boring bands now: they just look like as everyone else in this world. They just play their songs and that´s all. Favorite songs from that video: "Looks that Kill," "Bastard," and "Shout at the Devil."
You can find this gig as DVD called "Broadcasting Live," but quality is awful. Sound is nice, but picture is really bad. Maybe they just don´t have those original tapes left anymore, so DVD is probably made from VHS tape. Again if you´re living in Europe you can order that DVD from www.cdon.com, www.amazon.co.uk or www.play.com, but I must warn you: don´t buy that if you are not really big fan of Mötley Crüe...quality is so bad.
Other bands tonight:
Lauri Tähkä + Elonkerjuu, Hardcore Superstar, Levellers, Joy Division
Band news 17/07/2008
Personal life today
Tips about health and mood
These are some tips I have been sending to our band members about getting health and mood up in PopMundo:
- Check Popmundo forum and find message number 1239.1. That should help you to learn more...
- You don´t need to be home when you rest...you can do it in hotel too, so after gig go to hotel and rest if your health is below %60, if it´s over %60 go to gym and exercise...
- One thing I´m using myself to get my health and/or mood up:
When you get your experience points on Sundays you can use them to get your health or mood up. Usually I don´t use all my experience points to that, but sometimes you´ll just have to do that to get your health and/or mood up! (Only use this tip when your health or mood is really bad or you have something important things to do: recording new songs, making videos or you have really important gig!)
- Relationships are important! I´m not so sure about this, but it can help you to keep your health and mood up if you have many friends. So don´t be shy, just go and talk with other people and find new friends always when it´s possible! :) ...and keep your friends: they are really important in this game. You always learn something new and it´s really interesting to meet people from different countries.
...and read this article, if you want to learn all about health and mood!
Band news 16/07/2008
Starting Jann XXX´s Popmundo Blog
I thought that I should write this blog, because right now I´m sending so many private messages to my band´s members, that maybe they will get bored about that. Now they can come here and read this when they want! :) Also I usually forget what and how I should be doing things in Popmundo world, so I can come here and read it!
There are already some websites giving you tips about how to play PopMundo, but I really haven´t found any websites, which can show how things work daily(or weekly...monthly....I really don´t know how much I will be writing here.) Mainly those websites also tell you things that you can find from Popmundo´s help pages already. PopMundo´s forum is great place to learn new things, but sometimes it´s just too difficult to find just that information you would need.
....by they way of course Trevor Whicker isn´t my real name. It´s my Popmundo´s character name. You can find me from Popmundo with that name....